Watermelon growing and Melon growing thread of 2018

Picked the wrong OrangeGlo last week–it was underripe so we made smoothies out of the whole thing.

This one from a couple hours ago is the one I should have picked 10 days ago and saved the other till today. Oh well. It’s getting ice cold now, and I’m sure it’ll be plenty edible.


Extraordinary color!


Also the best honey dew and cantaloupe I have ever had from my garden. Lots of flavor


Love these melon shots keep em comin


We picked this Big Stripe earlier today. It’s getting cold in the fridge right now, along with the OrangeGlo a couple posts up.


Armenian cukes there?

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I discovered two more Moon and Stars today in my small melon patch, and a nice sized Halona. These are the biggest I’ve been able to grow here in upstate NY zone 4a. I’ve had so much going on I didn’t really know I had fruit set or when. Any suggestions on how to determine when to pick them? I haven’t done melons often, and I’ve never had anything this size before.

Do you have a ballpark figure of how many days it takes for melons over 25 lbs to ripen ? Thanks !

I can tell that you it was not 6 weeks!!! I had a Black Diamond that was big but I forgot that it could grow up over 30 lbs. picked it at about 6 weeks. Way underripe. Lesson learned.

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I have no experience with watermelons over 25 lbs. Summers are short in Spokane, so I have always grown smaller, faster growing varieties.

Any Black Diamond that’s under 20 lbs. will never ripen. The melon
doesn’t size down well at all.

Good to know. Thanks, Ray. There’s always next year.

Rayrose’s comment reminded me I picked a 4.5lb black diamond yesterday with a brown tendril, so I thought I would cut it and see if it in fact ripened.

This plant has produced several large fruits this year so I wasn’t surprised this melon was stunted. It however was fully mature and the family approved of the flavor.


There’s always the exception, but as a general rule, BD does
not size down well.

This evening, the kids and I picked this Big Stripe that weighed over 20 lbs, this OrangeGlo that weighed right at 15 lbs, and a Raspa (CORRECTION – Legacy watermelon) weighing 18.5 lbs. It’s a treat watching my young son use the sheepsfoot blade on my pocket knife to cut the melons from the vine!

Excuse the poor pic. My old low-rent cellphone can’t do any better in less than perfect lighting.

This is our second year to grow OrangeGlo. This variety is hard to beat. However, I haven’t picked a Gold Strike yet to compare the quality of taste.


Those are beautiful

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Are you sure those aren’t two melons and not three? I don’t
see the Legacy.

It is two. I need to edit to say"Here are 1.5 of them."

In the spring, I gave my neighbor a Hime Kasen and an Orange Glo plants. Today he kindly shared with us his first OG picked at 35 days. It weighed 16 lbs.


How did it taste? Could it have used couple more days? My vine just produced another melon. Hopefully it will get to ripen. Hoping for a hot September.